Using mindfulness to manifest abundance

manifest abundance
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Using mindfulness to manifest abundance: change your perspective

If you’ve read our blogpost about what mindfulness does to your brain, you know that mindfulness can be a great tool to change your own perspective. This also applies to negative thoughts about your own finances. Practicing mindfulness means increasing your conscious awareness. No matter how deep your negative convictions about money lie, you can train your mind to stop thinking about money in a negative way, and start thinking about it in a positive way. As I mentioned before, your perceptions substantiate your reality. So once you start thinking about money in a positive way, you will start to see your life as a source of financial gain. And that results in manifesting abundance.

The law of attraction

Changing your negative mindset about money into a positive one is the first step. The second step is actually manifesting abundance. If you don’t really believe that using mindfulness to manifest abundance is possible, just take a look at everything that has been written about the law of attraction. This pseudoscience is based on the idea that humans, as well as their thoughts, are all made up of pure energy. While existing negative energy will attract more negative energy, existing positive energy will attract more positive energy – positive energy in the form of abundance, for example.

As the American writer, philosopher and business man Charles Haanel wrote in 1912:

“The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude.”

A common misconception surrounding the law of attraction is the idea that it would supposedly diminish the value of self-discipline, determination and hard work. Don’t be mistaken: you still need to be disciplined and determined, and yes, you most likely still need to work hard! If it would be as simple as thinking positive thoughts, there wouldn’t be so much poverty in the world. But when you combine your self-discipline, determination and hard work with mindfulness to manifest abundance, you may very well succeed.

The importance of clarity and precision

When you decide you want to use mindfulness to manifest abundance, there is one extremely crucial thing to keep in mind: the importance of clarity and precision. You’re basically going to ask the universe for what you want. But you need to be very, very clear about what EXACTLY it is that you want, why you want it, and why you deserve it. Crude example: “I want to be rich” is way too vague. A better way to formulate it would be something like: “I am good at what I do and I work very hard. I am thankful for what I already have and I allow myself to have more. When I have more, I have enough to not have to worry about my monthly expenses and I can invest more time to support those around me.” Of course, the way you formulate your ‘question to the universe’ is very personal and will be different for everyone. The important thing is to make sure you are clear and precise about what you want.

Final thoughts

Using mindfulness to manifest abundance means you first need to rewire your brain to change your negative thoughts about money into positive ones. Then, you need to direct your focus on actually attracting abundance. If you constantly focus on how little money you have, you will not generate more. But if you focus on receiving money, you can actually attract it.

Why you should try meditating with other people

meditating with other people, samen mediteren
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Reasons to try meditating with other people

When you meditate alone, this usually creates feelings of increased awareness, deep relaxation, enhanced focus and peace of mind. Once you try meditating with other people, you will not only notice that all those effects intensify, but also that they expand to your surroundings. The benefits of meditating in group settings, are therefore individual as well as collective.

Meditating with other people will also enable you to take advantage of the raised vibrations of those around you. You basically get to ‘hold on’ to the vibes of the others and pull yourself towards the headspace where you want to be. This is especially beneficial for beginners as well as those who have a little more trouble to quiet their thoughts or get in the zone.

Like I mentioned before, meditating was always very personal and intimate to me – and I’m sure I am not the only one who feels that way. And this is exactly why you should try meditating with other people! During the pandemic, many of us realized the need for deep, meaningful connections. Whatever happens on a biological or chemical level when we’re meditating together, it results in an incredible interconnectedness. The experience can truly strengthen bonds. Even with people you only just met.

Final thoughts

All we are is energy. Meditating with other people will enhance that energy and help everyone involved to open themselves up, relax in each other’s company and experience interconnected feelings. You can do it with your best friend, sibling or partner or in a group setting. Either way, it is a great way to start a new practice or to help you find your way back to a regular practice.  

3 reasons why EVERYONE should try meditating

Leestijd: 2 minuten |

Whenever I tell people that I meditate on a regular basis, I am often met with responses like “I don’t think that would be something for me,” “I wouldn’t be able to sit still,” or “I’m not into that woolly kind of stuff.” While there is definitely a shift in how open people are to the idea of meditation, there is also still a lot of scepticism surrounding it. But I think everyone should try meditating. Below, I’ve listed 3 reasons why.

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5 practical tips to get into flow state at work

flow state at work
Leestijd: 2 minuten |

When you’re in flow state, you experience a deep focus. It becomes easier to tap into your creativity and your productivity levels skyrocket. Accomplishing your task seems effortless. Needless to say, this would come in very handy at work. So why not give it a try? We’ve listed 5 practical tips to get into flow state at work. The more you practise getting into the zone, the more natural it becomes!

How to reach flow state at work

#1. Set clear goals

In order to achieve flow state, you need to have a very clear understanding of what it is that you want to accomplish. “Making the deadline for project X” is too abstract. Therefore, it’s best to separate your goals into smaller, well-defined objectives and simply pick one that you want to do at this time.

#2. Eliminate distractions

During flow state, it often seems like our brain automatically filters out any distractions. But in order for that to happen, you first need to create a mental clarity. That means removing as many distractions as possible. Turn off notifications, put on some noise cancelling headphones, and schedule a time block. It may also help to empty your bladder before you start; realizing that you need to use the restroom is also a distraction. Are you working from home? Read how to create a mindful home office.

#3. Don’t multitask

Many of us are conditioned to multitask in the workplace. But you need to understand that multitasking is a myth; you’re not really doing multiple things at the same time, you’re simply switching very rapidly between tasks. This increases the cognitive load on your brain, making it more difficult to reach flow state. So pick a single task and focus on that.

#4. Find a balance

If you have to do something super easy and boring, you’re not likely to reach flow state. Your mind and body need to be challenged to get into the zone. That said, if the task is too difficult it will only lead to you getting stressed and frustrated about it. So find a task that requires the right balance between challenge and skill. 

#5. Don’t try to force it

The harder you try to control something, the harder it becomes to do so. This is known as the paradox of control. While you can certainly create the ideal circumstances for flow state, you can’t force it. If it doesn’t happen, don’t worry about it. Schedule another time block and try again later.

Final thoughts

Depending on your job and what you need to do, reaching flow state at work can be a challenge. Coincidentally, challenge is exactly what you need to actually get into the flow. But if you’re not feeling it today, that’s totally fine. You can still get shit done. Just keep trying to create the ideal circumstances. Just like training a muscle, it is possible to train getting into flow state. And once you get the hang of it, you may catch yourself actually looking forward to Mondays.